Stereometric Basic forms of the six Individuality Orders

Basic Forms of Colonies

P r o m o r p h s  o f  s i x t h - o r d e r  f o r m  i n d i v i d u a l s

REMARK : When we, in the course of the ensuing discussions, quote a certain promorph (= stereometric basic form or promorphological category), we will set it as a LINK. This link will bring the reader to the relevant place within the Promorphological System, so that he or she can orient him- or herself as to where that category is situated within the System.

The Colonies or Cormi, which as sixth-order form individuals are always a multitude of persons (off-shoots), are with respect to their stereometric form essentially determined by the ordering of the latter. In the regularly branched plant colonies the positioning of the off-shoots, that originate laterally from the main shoot, and compose the colony, is determined by the complicated rules of phyllotaxis (positioning of the leaves), insofar as the (lateral) off-shoots originate in buds that appear from the leaf angles, i.e. within the angle formed by leaf and stem. The same promorph of the main shoot, which is determined by its phyllotaxis (because the latter in turn determines the positioning of the side branches (lateral off-shoots), then is at the same time the promorph of the colony. In simple, more rarely in composed, colonies, their promorph is often clearly determined, and appears as a single pyramid ( Stauraxonia heteropola ), thereby either as regular pyramid ( Heteropola homostaura ), for instance in species of Araucaria (a kind of conifers), or as irregular pyramid ( Heteropola heterostaura ). Among the regular pyramids as basic form of the colony, especially the three-fold and four-fold pyramid appears to be common. But also very commonly in simple colonies -- as it is the case in most composed colonies -- the cross axes are not clearly, or not at all determined, and then we must assess them as Monaxonia diplopola (Egg, Cone, or truncated cone).
As totally irregular or asymmetric colonies, we can assess only those plant colonies in which no axis is definitely expressed, in which for instance the main shoot does not develop, while the lateral off-shoots appear irregularly in all directions. They promorphologically belong to the Anaxonia.

According to our expositions concerning Persons, and true Colonies, i.e. colonies (Cormi) in the tectological sense, which means that each of them is composed of true persons (which themselves clearly consist of metamers and antimers), there seem to be no  t r u e  Colonies in the animal kingdom.

Generally the homostauric heteropolar forms (regular pyramids) in plant colonies appear as rare exceptions with respect to the great majority of those colonies in which either the diplopolar monaxonic form (Monaxonia diplopola) or no promorph at all is expressed (which then should be classified as Anaxonia). So the Colonies or Cormi, as morphological form individuals of the sixth and highest order, do not in any way express a corresponding profusion of different promorphs or even just a predominance of higher forms. Rather they stay, in both respects, far behind the fifth- and fourth-order form individuals, and rather connect to the lowest individuality forms, cells, and especially organs (which often look colony-like).


With the treatment of the basic forms of Colonies, or sixth-order morphological organic individuals, we have finally come to an end of our total exposition of  O r g a n i c  P r o m o r p h o l o g y,  or Doctrine of the Stereometric Basic Forms in Organisms and their parts. But because we assume the unity of the organic and inorganic world, i.e. because we assume that they both constitute but one world, not two, we would like to extend this doctrine of stereometric basic forms to the  i n o r g a n i c  world, and this means that we should be able to assess CRYSTALS in a promorphological way. This will be done in the next documents. The first group of those documents is devoted to a theoretical justification to treat single non-twinned crystals promorphologically. The remaining documents will actually assess those crystals as to their promorph.
Finally that series of documents on the basic forms of crystals will be concluded with some general Promorphological theses and tables.

To continue click HERE for the Basic Forms of Crystals

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back to Introduction to Promorphology

back to Anaxonia, Homaxonia, Polyaxonia

back to Protaxonia : Monaxonia

back to Stauraxonia homopola

back to Stauraxonia heteropola

back to Homostaura anisopola, Heterostaura

back to Autopola oxystaura and orthostaura

back to Allopola (introduction)

back to Allopola amphipleura and zygopleura

back to Spiraxonia

back to Spiraxonia allogonia

back to Spiraxonia isogonia

back to the Basic Forms of Cells I

back to the Basic Forms of Cells II

back to the Basic Forms of Organs

back to the Basic Forms of Antimers

back to the Basic Forms of Metamers

back to the Basic Forms of Persons
