Stereometric Basic forms of the six Individuality Orders

Basic Forms of Persons

P r o m o r p h s  o f  f i f t h - o r d e r  f o r m  i n d i v i d u a l s

REMARK : When we, in the course of the ensuing discussions, quote a certain promorph (= stereometric basic form or promorphological category), we will set it as a LINK. This link will bring the reader to the relevant place within the Promorphological System, so that he or she can orient him- or herself as to where that category is situated within the System.

The Persons or Off-shoots, i.e. fifth-order form individuals, the solitary, which live isolated as single bionts, as well as the social, which, as fifth-order form individuals compose sixth-order form individuals (genuine colonies), normally are, with respect to their promorph, identical to the metamers that constitute them, and display a much greater promorphological diversity than the antimers do. In the several Classes and Phyla of the animal and plant kingdom the promorph of the person is very diverse. Many of them are already mentioned in the Promorphological System, so here we do not have to list them in full.
Just in general we can note that in all higher animals (vertebrates, arthropods) the Zygopleural form ( Allopola zygopleura ), i.e. the isosceles pyramid, is the predominant promorph, thereby as the most developed form the dipleural ( Zygopleura dipleura ), and as the lesser developed form the tetrapleural ( Zygopleura tetrapleura ).
In higher plant persons the predominant promorphs are those of the Amphipleura and of the homostauric heteropoles ( (Stauraxonia) Heteropola homostaura ), but also those of the autopolar heterostaurs ( (Stauraxonia heteropola) Heterostaura autopola ).
The fact that often the promorph of the constituent metamers in one and the same person is different, i.e. the constituent metamers display different promorphs, for instance with respect to the different 'leaf rings' of a flower, has been mentioned earlier. It was added that in these cases always the most differentiated promorph must be set as the promorph of the whole person. We must further note that often the promorph of one and the same person can be different in different life-stages of the individual, insofar as the one or the other metamer with its indicative promorph is predominantly or solely developed. In this way the higher plant flower (sexual person) often has a very different promorph from the corresponding fruit, that develops from it. In the Crucifers for instance, the promorph of the flower belongs to the Tetraphragma ((Stauraxonia heteropola heterostaura autopola) Orthostaura tetraphragma), while the fruit belongs to the Diphragma ((Stauraxonia heteropola heterostaura autopola) Orthostaura diphragma). In the Papilionaceans is the form of the flower pentamphipleural ( Pentamphipleura ), that of the fruit belongs to the Eudipleura. In such cases one should indicate the developmental stage (life-stadium) of the person, when its promorph is being determined.

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