Note 883

From this point of view also the function of the neuro-glia may be understood. So one will imagine that the highly capable nerve cell has undergone a very strong degree of differentiation, which one also indicates as "concentration", and against which there must be a certain "thinning", which, however, because contradicting high capacity, cannot be intra-cellular, but extra-cellular. So the glia cells are a kind of regressive sister cells of the neurons [true brain cells] (or also, "retarded" neuron cells), which [glia cells] thanks to abstaining from the  specific  neuron performance can better execute the remaining (vital) functions, and apparently redundantly taking care of the neurons.
[(Neuro)glia = supporting tissue of vertebrate nervous system, consisting mainly of cells derived from embryonic neural tissue, some with long fibrous processes, others forming myelin by wrapping flattened processes in a spiral round nerve fibres.]

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