Note 859

The screw-formed double-molecule of the nucleic acids with deeply incised screw-turns are, by the way, remarkable. Protamines and certainly also proteins may lie in these depressions.

1 mol globine and 2 mol tetrachlorine-salicile gave stoichiometrically defined molecular compounds (MC). The connection seems not to be through atom-atom bonds. From the fact that neither native [still naturally folded] nor resynthesized cattle-oxyhaemoglobin form an adduct, globine, on the contrary, does form a very firm one, it is believed that the guest-molecules take the places of the haems in haemoglobin (In the encasing sites the guest-molecules are supposed to be more or less completely enclosed). Whether ferments may be viewed as possible EC, one has apparently not yet decided to. The nature of model compounds from super-polymers and from active groups in the chlorophyll and haemin series indicates that there we have not to do with true EC, but that within them there are sites in which similar conditions prevail as in EC.

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