Polyaxonia : Appended Forms

Polyaxonia subendosphaerica

(Forms lacking any definite main axis, and endospheric with respect to more than one concentric spheres

The Polyaxonia subendospherica are bodies in which, as in all Polyaxonia (and also in Homaxonia), no one axis stands out, i.e. while such a body does have unequal axes, they constitute different groups of axes (one group different from another). This implies that such bodies possesses one group of corners (vertices) which lie on the surface of one sphere, while another group of corners lie on the surface of another sphere, concentric with the first one. And this in such a way, i.e. the involved axes are distributed such, that the whole body shape deviates from a sphere and can even look more or less tetrahedral. Be this as it may, no one axis stands out, so the forms that belong here are no Protaxonia, meaning that no main axis can be distinguished here (like in all other Polyaxonia, and in Homaxonia).

Although no Organisms are to be expected to have realized Polyaxonia subendospherica, several crystals (from the Isometric System) represent this basic form in several (promorphological) species. These species are represented by the following promorphological categories :

First Species of the Polyaxonia subendosphaerica

Subendosphaerica gyroidea

(Gyroids or Pentagonal Icositetrahedra)

The Subendosphaerica gyroidea are based on geometric bodies called Gyroids or Pentagonal Icositetrahedra. The symmetry content of such bodies is :   4 3 2, which corresponds to the Pentagonicositetrahedric Crystal Class of the Isometric Crystal System.
See for details and Figures HERE.

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Second Species of the Polyaxonia subendosphaerica

Subendosphaerica pyritoidea

(Pyritohedron or Pentagonal Dodecahedron)

The Subendosphaerica pyritoidea are based on geometric bodies called Pyritohedra or Pentagonal Dodecahedra. The symmetry content of such bodies is :   2/m 3*, which corresponds to the Duakisdodecahedric Crystal Class of the Isometric Crystal System.
See for details and Figures HERE.

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Third Species of the Polyaxonia subendosphaerica

Subendosphaerica tetartoidea

(Tetartoid or Tetrahedral Pentagonal Dodecahedron)

The Subendosphaerica tetartoidea are based on geometric bodies called Tetartoids or Tetrahedral Pentagonal Dodecahedra. The symmetry content of such bodies is :   2 3, which corresponds to the Tetrahedric pentagondodecahedric Crystal Class of the Isometric Crystal System.
See for details and Figures HERE.

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