A (family-, superfamily, or familygroup-) groundplan of a given species of Diptera is, as it exists as a noëtic entity in the Implicate Order, intrinsically connected with the (noëtically expressed) stability conditions as they are present in the Explicate Order. When these conditions, which as such are ecological conditions, are met (i.e. present) in the Explicate Order, the existence, in that Order, of that particular groundplan is guaranteed.
When or where in the Explicate Order these conditions are not present anymore the groundplan becomes unstable or at least metastable [The latter means that although the groundplan is not stable anymore it can, under certain conditions, continue to exist :  It transforms into a stable groundplan not abruptly but very slowly and locally.]. And only when such a groundplan has become unstable or metastable the noëtic reaction product of a (noëtic) reaction between the noëtic content of the new groundplan (as such already present in the Implicate Order) and the noëtic content of one of the old groundplan's potential ecological niches can be projected from the Implicate Order into the Explicate Order. See next Diagrams (Figures 16, 17, 18) :

Figure above :  This diagram prepares for the next two diagrams :
Indicated are qualitative contents of biological entities (family groundplans of Diptera, ecological niches (or zones)) as they can be present in the Explicate Order (where they always are  unfolded  along space and time dimensions and represented by individual instances).
Also indicated are the corresponding qualitative contents as they can be present in the Implicate Order (where they are  enfolded  along space and time dimensions and never represented by individual instances but by unique noëtic entities (noëtic patterns)).
Noëtic reactions 'take place' in the Implicate Order, and the (noëtic) reaction-products may be projected from the Implicate Order into the Explicate Order where they are unfolded along space and time dimensions and thus become physical.
The next two Figures schematically depict the transformation of an 'old' family groundplan into a new one (that is, the evolutionary origin of a new family from an old one).

Figure 17 :  We see the qualitative content (blue disc) of some given old dipterous groundplan as it is, as a noëtic entity or pattern, present in the Implicate Order. We also see this same qualitative content being overformed by adaptive structures (dark green), also existing as a noëtic entity (in fact a reaction-product) in the Implicate Order. (A copy of) this complex noëtic entity has been projected into the Explicate Order where it exists in the actual ecological niche (or zone) (brown). At the same time this groundplan defines a potential ecological niche (or zone) (yellow) that can be reached by evolutionarily aquiring special adaptational structures. If this potential ecological niche (or zone) is actually present in the Explicate Order (a copy of) it can be injected into the Implicate Order where it then exists as a noëtic entity (yellow).
In addition to these we see the following entities :

When, in the Explicate Order, the old groundplan becomes unstable (because of vanishing existential conditions) the just mentioned noëtic reaction-product can project from the Implicate Order into the Explicate Order. See next Figure :

Figure above :  In the Explicate Order the old groundplan has disappeared as a result of having become unstable. Now the noëtic reaction-product consisting of the new groundplan and adaptive strucures will be projected from the Implicate Order to the Explicate Order where it will be unfolded along space and time dimesions. When this projection takes place for the first time we have the appearance of a new dipterous family. The projection can be repeated as soon as there are more localities where the old groundplan finds itself in ecological trouble.

[In fact in all this we must think of a whole series of reaction-products resulting from the corresponding more or less different reactions taking place between the noëtic content of the new groundplan and those of the respective different ecological niches stemming from the whole spectrum of potential niches that is associated with the old groundplan].

In particular environmental ranges (in the Explicate Order) two sequentially related different groundplans can coexist :  they are in equilibrium with each other. In other ranges the older groundplan is not stable anymore but still metastable. It is slowly declining. In other ranges, finally, the old groundplan is truly unstable and is -- in the Explicate Order -- disappearing quickly.
In all this we must realize that in the present context the notions of  stability, instability, metastability,  and  equilibrium  are not thermodynamic notions (as they are with respect to the phases of physical substances such as minerals), but biological notions.
Stability and equilibrium conditions of any kind, thermodynamical or biological, only have meaning in the Explicate Order. In the Implicate Order there is only coexistence of different  noëtic  patterns (the latter comparable to or identical with mathematical and logical patterns), and this coexistence rests on logical consistency, not on energy- or ecological factors or conditions. "Noëtic reactions" that are supposed to take place in the Implicate Order are not events unfolding in time and space (as chemical reactions are [in time and space] in the Explicate Order). The "products" of such reactions are no more than logically consistent, and thus possible, and consequently noëtically existing, patterns. So if we speak of "reactions" "going on" or "having taken place" in the Implicate Order we only speak metaphorically so. They are the noëtic analogues of truly physical and especially chemical reactions that do take place everywhere in the Explicate Order.

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