Figure above :  Wing-venation of a number of representatives of the family Empididae  ( Brachycera-orthorrapha).
      Reading from left to right and from top to bottom :
      224 -- Dolichocephala  irrorata FALL.
      225 -- Clinocera  inermis Lw.
      226 -- Chelifera  melanocephala HAL.
      227 -- Gloma  fuscipennis MEIG.
      228 -- Leptopeza  flavipes MEIG.
      229 -- Hybos  culiciformis FABR.
      230 -- Bicellaria  nigra MEIG.
      231 -- Hemerodromia  raptoria MEIG.
      232 -- Asymphyloptera  discrepans COLL.
      233 -- Wing, also of a representative of the Empididae. Not labelled by HENNIG as to precisely what representative.

(From HENNIG, 1954)

Here we see that further development from the groundplan can lead to forms in which this groundplan is hardly recognizable anymore. Also it is not easy to determine which genus of the family Empididae shows the venational groundplan of the family in its purest form. Those empidid wings with a 3-branched Radial Sector and a discoidal cell point to this groundplan, but  Asymphyloptera (232), having no discoidal cell, nevertheless has a 3-branched Radial Sector. And  Hemerodromia (231), having no discoidal cell, and having the Cubital and Anal veins totally reduced, nevertheless has its Radial Sector 3-branched.

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