Note 899

The bonding as such is already fundamentally important. A non-internally-bonded living system with corresponding [biological] power would break down already in a fraction of a second as a result of only the thermal [shaking] motion.
In Unimol we must have to do, first and foremost, with  true  bonds, thus also in energetic respect such bonds bringing with them a value of about 100 cal/mole. The electronic theory provides all the possibilities to realize the organismic one- and giant molecule. The older valence theory formally also has offered this possibility, but, it is true, under the supposition that, as to living substance, we would have to do with a similar possibility of formulation as in non-living substance, a supposition, that in the end cannot be made. There, in the old valence theory, one would, in order to be able to include unknown mediating parts [mesomers], have to take on board all sorts of like unknown side valences, residue valences, and others, in order not to extract from experience more than is actually in it.
The electronic theory, on the other hand, doesn't have these difficulties. For that in it we have strictly to do with true atomic bonding, nobody will doubt. If, it is true, that in the organogeneous elements (C, O, H, N) also the electronic participants do undergo some special influence, the so-called valence-electrons nevertheless are functionally conserved, and if they also perhaps engage -- more or less abnormally -- in mutual interaction and resonance, then the result is still again a chemical bonding, that is, the energetically summated insignificant difference between living and non-living substance and the "easy" transition, make it, together with systemic theoretic considerations, appear totally excluded that the electrons of the organogeneous atoms would experience in their chief quantum values just any energetically [the text says : thermically] possible change. They have, certainly in a sufficient degree, been preserved as to their functional value.

A function of the energy levels (precisely as in interatomic oscillations) consists in the fact to transform energetic actions endangering the condition and (perhaps endangering) the proper-one-function (EFF), into "harmless" reversible forms, hardly influencing the quality. The intra-atomic kinetic systems should not be taken too literally. A quasi as-if motion is sufficient for [expressing the process of] mechanically taking-in energy, for which we first of all need images of motion, i.e. a kinetic picture, because we cannot do much with merely potential enegies.
If the mentioned possibility did not exist, then every energetic interaction would be of the form

Z1(A) +/- x cal  ==>/<==  Z2(A)

of which we now say that it is physically insignificant, is a clear chemical reaction of the form

A + B = C

(strictly taken, there are similarities all the same). Without this possibility of energy storage there would be no place for our empirical world, but a mere constant turbulent chaos.

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