Note 177

Out atomic knowledge is not sufficient to assess whether Life (the self-one-function, etc.) is also possible upon a different material basis than that of the C, O, H, N combination in "proteins". We will not be in error when we deny this possibility [by reason of the unique qualities of water as biosolvent, determining the temperature range of possible life.]. Nevertheless, it is advisable not to use the concept of "protein-based" in the sense of starting material or even of descent, but only in the sense of chemical classification. Indeed, all known protein-bodies [protein-like substances], inclusively the "synthetic peptides", are merely derivatives, detritus, products, descendants, kins, and equivalents of living substances. If one speaks in this restricted sense of "protein life", then erroneous associations will be avoided. One then expresses that this life is a determined one, and leaves open the question whether there could exist another type of life as well.

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