Note 149

Not all humans are white (in the racial sense), therefore white is a  per accidens  determination (replaceable determination). This is correct if we attribute the same (with repect to content) Essence to every human individual (in the sense of :  If this is, in extramental reality, really the case). If, on the other hand, we consider each human individual as a different (with respect to content) Substance (for example on the basis of the genetic make-up), then, for example,  tanned (by the sun)  is a  per accidens  determination, and being white (in the racial sense) is, in the case of the Substance Socrates, a  per se  determination. When we do not take 'white' to signify a racial feature, but (take it) in the sense of pale (as it is a sign of bad health, or as a result of fear), then here (that is, where Socrates is a Substance different [with respect to content] from the Substance Plato, and from the Substance Peter, etc.), white is also a  per accidens  determination.

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