Note 9

In fact the latter, generally expressed as  X adding nothing when predicated,  follows from the former, generally expressed as  X transcending the basic classification of Being.
If  X does not occur in the system of basic types of Being -- which is the case, for example with non-being, and also with Being -- then X does not add anything to the subject (signifying some entity of this system) when predicated of the latter. And this is -- while not considering non-being as such -- why Being, but also Unity, Thing, and the like, do not add anything when (the terms signifying them are) predicated of a given subject, and why they are thus transcendentals.
So if indeed, say,  ' quantitative '  does not occur in the system of basic types of Being, it does not add anything when predicated of a given subject, and is then a transcendental.

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