Phylogenetic tree of winged insects (Pterygota), according to ROHDENDORF and RASNITSYN, 1980.
At the left we see the geological epochs, reading from top to bottom :  Present, Neogene (upper [=late] Tertiary), Paleogene (lower [=early] Tertiary), upper Cretaceous, lower Cretaceous, Jurassic, Triassic, upper Permian, lower Permian, upper Carboniferous, middle Carboniferous, lower Carboniferous.
The scheme mainly is about the origin and persistence of the insect Orders such as MUSCIDA (= Diptera : midges, mosquitos, flies), PAPILIONIDA (= Lepidoptera : butterflies and moths), Scarabaeida (= Coleoptera : beetles), VESPIDA (= Hymenoptera : wasps, bees, ants). In the Permian, and especially since the Triassic most insect Orders are present in geologic history. The phylogenetic connections as drawn between these Orders are largely hypothetical.