Note 2.

The mentioned conservation of the whole Identity in a separated fragment, is in a way also present in multicellular organisms.
Such organisms consist of cells. Each cell contains the complete genome of the organism, i.e. the complete instruction set for generating its body. And this instruction set itself is embodied in microscopical structures, and thus in potential fragments of the organism, while as instruction set it belongs to the organism's genotypical domain. However, in most multicellular organisms their cells are already differentiated in such a way, that only a specific part of the instruction set is operational. In other cell types other parts are operational. In addition to the repetition of the complete genome, most higher organisms also show more genuine and concrete repetitions : Such organisms generally consist of a constant number of  a n t i m e r s  (counterparts), parts, repeated around the organism's main axis, like the right and left body halves in bilateral animals, where this number is accordingly equal to two, or the several 'rays' (radii) in radiate animals where it is four in hydropolypes, hydromedusae and the like, and five in most echinoderms (starfishes and the like). Further, and generally in addition to it, we see a repetition of parts along the organism's main axis, its  m e t a m e r s  (sequential parts), like the segments of earthworms and many arthropods. Here, i.e. in the case of antimers and metamers, we have to do with a genuine repetition of body parts, albeit not a repetition persistently in three different spatial directions, i.e. not a periodic repetition as we see in all (single) crystals. Moreover the repetition as expressed by the possession of antimers and metamers in organisms is not in all cases a wholly exact one.
As has been said, most higher organisms consist of antimers and metamers. These antimers and metamers are in fact subordinated morphological individuals that, together with still other types of subordinated morphological individuals, compose the organism's body -- the physiological individual. All this is treated of in a theory of the macroscopical structure of organisms, called Tectology. The reader can find this theory on the second website, i.e. the continuation of the present website. This can be adressed as follows : Click on the last item of the Contents (left frame, or in the Contents section of the Homepage) : Continuation of this Series, and then go to Introduction to Tectology.

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